Architecture on a Hat
Architectural Hat Creating a Hat with a whole city on it! … With Kids at home I will be posting some creative ideas to get the minds and hands busy. My first project proposal is: an Architectural Hats & Caps. It can also be a Space Hat, Animal Hat, Garden...

3D Forest
3D forest Creating 3D Forest dioramas… This week we have learned how to make Forest themed Dioramas. Children have learned how to fold a sheet of card to make it stand on its own and create an illusion of 3-dimensionality. Having the background for our 3D...

3D City at Grasmere Primary
3D city at Grasmere Primary Creating 3-dimensional urban landscape… Together with Kids with Brains we have organised February half term holiday club activity with urban design creative dimension. Children at Garasmere Primary have built a 3-dimensional city!...

Heart to heart
heart 2 heart Creating designs for a Valentine puzzle… In preparations for the Valentines, we have created heart puzzles and cards for special persons in our lives. Children have coloured and added designs and patterns to templates that they were given, then...