e-workshop 01
e-workshop 01: Architectural Hat Creating a Hat with a whole city on it! … Due to current situation of COVID-19 Lockdown and social distancing regulations we have created our own virtual reality and had first Zoom session of Kids Archi Workshops! Topic:...

Cameleon Creating cute little animal out of felt… The Chameleon. A project we made this week with my daughter, while COVID-19 isolating at home and trying to find creative ways of spending time together. It’s been a while that she’s been asking me...

Viral isolation
#stay-at-home #covid-19 Keeping creative minds busy at home… I hope you are all keeping well in this difficult period. I was very sorry to have to cease to lead architectural workshops, but under current circumstances it was not safe to continue. As we all are...

Book in 3D
book in 3D Creating wonderful story books in 3D… Celebrating the World Book Day we have created an amazing library of 3D books with lots of great stories! Following instructions, as well as using examples and templates, children have learned how to create a...