What you say about workshops…

“Best this term was making Colour changing Pictures. Rubber-band Cars  workshop this term was really cool!”
Koji 9, Elizabeth House Architecture club, July 2019

“I enjoyed Drawing Words, but best thing was making cards with Colour-Changing Pictures. I also was really proud of my Rubber Band Car! I would like to make Vanishing Pictures again
Sofia 9, St John’s Highbury Vale Architecture club,July 2019

“Best this term was making Colour changing Pictures. Rubber-band Cars  workshop this term was really cool!”
Koji 9, Elizabeth House Architecture club, July 2019

“The best fun was making Picture Frames. Magic Money Box and the car were my best designs! I also liked inventing designs for Drawing with Words ”
Amy 9, St John’s Highbury Vale Architecture club,July 2019

“I liked all the workshops. I loved making new designs. The best thing was Rubber Band Car”
Fred 9, St John’s Highbury Vale Architecture club, July 2019

“The best thing was making puppets.  I’m also very proud of my Pencil Castle”
Aran 6, Elizabeth House Architecture club, July 2019

“The best thing was to learn how to make Secret Box. It was my best design. ”
xx 6, Elizabeth House Architecture club, December 2018

“I enjoyed Drawing Words, but I was really proud of my Rubber Band Car! I would like to make Vanishing Pictures again
Sofia 9, S John’s Highbury Vale Architecture club, July 2019

“The best workshop this term was learning how to make  a Magic Box for money. We put coins in and they disappeared! I also enjoyed making models of London Landmarks.
Ilove making realistic thing out of paper.”

Nicolas 8, Elizabeth House Architecture club, July 2019

I loved making 3D Books with pop-up pages and I really enjoyed constructing Geodesic Dome
Pietro 8, Thornhill Architecture club, April 2019

The best thing was making 3D Geometric Structures and  building Geodesic Dome”

Alex 9, St John’s Highbury Vale Architecture club, April 2019

“I loved making Board Games, that we could play together afterwards.”I was really proud of my board Game!
Kirya 8,St John’s Highbury Vale Architecture club, April 2019

“My favourite project was making Kaleidocycle. I really like to play  with it”
Ciara 8, Elizabeth House Architecture club, December 2018

“My favourite theme this term was learning how to build a  bridge”
Hugo 8, Elizabeth House Architecture club, December  2018

“The best thing was learning how to make Halloween lanterns with light inside. ”
Sid 8, Elizabeth House Architecture club, December 2018

“The best thing was to learn how to make Secret Box. It was my best design. ”
xx 6, Elizabeth House Architecture club, December 2018

“My favourite theme this term was learning how to make  a Secret Box.
My best project was the Christmas Star”
Juliette 6, Elizabeth House Architecture club, December 2018

Esme would love to join the archi gang again… ”
Mother of Esme 8, Elizabeth House Architecture club, December 2018

Thanks Dominika. Noah has had another brilliant year at Archi workshops.
Mother of Noah 8, St John’s Highbury Vale Architecture club, December 2018

“My best workshop was making the 3D Letters.
I enjoyed making Secret Box with hidden drawers, I think it was my best design.
I would like to learn how to make 3D Dinosaur”
Nicolas, 8, Elizabeth House Architecture club,
December 2018

“My favourite workshop this term was making Rockets, I really liked it!”
Annie 8, Elizabeth House Architecture club, December 2018

“My favourite workshop was the dome. I enjoyed it, because we worked together and once we finished it looked really good! I would like to make another big structure working in a team.”
Simren, 8 Thornhill Architecture club, July 2018

“The best workshop this term was the dome. I really enjoyed building it. ”
Tom 9, Thornhill Architecture club, July 2018

“We were so happy and excited because we made a real tent (dome)”
Yanis 7, Thornhill Architecture club, July 2018

“I enjoyed design in real 3D and learning how to make designs”
Isaac 7, Thornhill Architecture club, March 2018

“The best this term was building towers. Best thing was to learn how to make Robotic Hand”
Troy 8, Thornhill Architecture club, March 2018

“I loved newspaper structures, but best thing was making green buildings for London.”
Bella 8, Thornhill Architecture club, July 2018

“I loved learning about Famous Architect Antoni Gaudí and making Shadow puppets. Making Shadow puppets move was the best thing! I would like to learn about different types of puppets.”
Bella 8, Thornhill Architecture club, March 2018

“The best thing was learning how to make Stamps, but my best design was Shadow puppets.”
Stark 7, Thornhill Architecture club, March 2018

 “I’m very proud of my space ship, because everyone in the school hall loved it!”

Luc 7, Thornhill Architecture club, November 2017

“I liked Secret book design and making  colourful Lanterns. My best design was the Bridge.”
Avery 9, Thornhill Architecture club, November 2017

“My very best design was the bridge. I really liked making it.”
Lucien 7, Thornhill Architecture club, November 2017

“I think the best workshop was making bookmarks. I really enjoyed learning how to make it. My very best design was my spaceship.”
Calvin 9, Thornhill Architecture club, November 2017

“The Lanterns workshop was the great, but I think my best design was making the geometric Christmas star.”
Jess 9, Thornhill Architecture club, November 2017

“My son has chosen Design and Technology class at school, inspired by the  Architecture club”

Mother of 7 year old boy, Thornhill Architecture club, September 2017

The best workshop this term was making periscopes! I really enjoyed making my name in 3D letters, building houses and making board games.”
Bella 7, Thornhill Architecture club, July 2017

The best workshop this term was drawing with words! I really enjoyed making my own board game, especially when we played our own games.”
Noah 7, Elizabeth House workshop, July 2017

“Learning to be creative helps me at school with my homework.”
Calvin 8, Thornhill Architecture club, July 2017

“I liked making the tree house and building the dome. I really enjoyed making a periscope. Making a cube out of a pattern helped me at school.”
Maddie 7, Thornhill Architecture club, July 2017

“I like all Architecture club lessons, because this is my favourite club. I like architecture, especially take my projects home. Building is my favourite thing to do.”
Luc 7, Thornhill Architecture club, July 2017

“The best workshop this term was designing board games. I really enjoyed working out the games.”
Erin 7, Elizabeth House workshop, July 2017

“I really enjoyed making my tree house. The best thing was making a periscope.”
Jasmine 7, Elizabeth House workshop, July 2017

“Both Fred & Amy are keen to do Architecture Workshops next term, if that’s ok? Fred loves it, he’s infected Amy!”
Mother of  7yr old siblings, Elizabeth House  workshop, July 2017

The best workshop this term was drawing with words! I really enjoyed making my own board game, especially when we played our own games.”
Noah 7, Elizabeth House workshop, July 2017

“Annie is really enjoying the class so much thank you!”
Mother of  7yr old girl, Elizabeth House workshop, January 2017

“The children adore Architecture club, they get a lot out of the sessions and feel like ‘real’ architects as they learn more about buildings and creative design.”
Jenny Lewis, Head teacher Thornhill Primary School, October 2016

“I really enjoyed making the big dome because everybody can sit inside. The best thing was making 3D first letter of our name”.  
Kyan, 7 1/2 Thornhill Architecture club, July 2016

“The best thing was competing against my friend for the tallest skyscraper. I liked when we made the giant dome to house us!”
Luca, 10 Thornhill Architecture club, July 2016

“Both my kids enjoy the Architecture club. They don’t stop talking about it!”
Mother of boys aged 8 and 11, Thornhill Architecture club, May 2016

“[my daughter] definitely enjoyed the session and would like to attend the Architecture workshops for the rest of the Summer Term…“
Mother of 7 1/2yr old girl, Islington workshop, April 2016

“My boys were very proud of their windows!! (Frank LLoyd Wright Windows workshop)
Mother of 5 & 7yr old boys, Islington workshop, April 2016

“Thank you for your updates. I really like getting them! It’s lovely to hear how they are both progressing and I’m especially happy to hear [my younger son] is becoming more confident with you. They pictures were fab and they both just talked me through the exercise. Very creative idea!
Thank you.”
Mother of 5 & 7yr old boys, Islington workshop, January 2016

“Just wanted to say thanks for running such a fab class this year. the boys have both loved it and were sad to hear the course has finished. Really hope you will do it again next term!”
Mother of boys aged 5 and 6 1/2, Islington workshop, February 2016

Thank you for all your feedback. The customer satisfaction is very important to me. All your comments help me improve and create even more enjoyable creative activities.




Please send me your  feedback. The customer satisfaction is very important to me.

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