Summer Doodles

SummEr  doodles

Taking advantage of beautiful weather and long days to spend some time with your friends drawing or painting…

With summer in a full swing, sunshine and long days it’s s great opportunity to grab your favourite drawing materials; paints, watercolours, felt-tip pens, colouring pencils, or just simple pencils and head for a plein-air – a creative session in ! Find your favourite place or building and draw/paint what you see around you! Or you can draw your neighbour’s cat, or other family pet? 

You can invite your friends or family to join you. Creative fun is always a good way to spend time together! You can share your ideas, or drawing techniques, help each other, or create a picture together!

You can try to draw same thing and compare and see if you have seen the same details, or drawn it in similar way. Or maybe you will get completely different pictures, as we all spot different details of our surroundings…

Remember to put yourself in a shadow and don’t forget to drink plenty of water!!

Maybe at the end of the summer you can organise an exhibition for your neighbours to show all your works? 


Have fun! Have a great creative holidays!!!