Building the Dome

Building the Dome

During our last session at Thornhill this term we have tested building skills constructing a real life size geodesic dome! The challenge got very exciting, as the success relied on good teamwork, precision and following instructions. Children have examined the scaled...

Recycled Structures

Recycled Structures

This week we have been creating 3 dimensional structures using recycled paper. The building materials were made out of old newspapers and magazines, turning sheets of paper into rigid tubes and using pictures from magazines to add colour and features to their...

Green London

Green London

The theme was to make our environment more eco-friendly and create buildings, that would help transform urban spaces into human friendly places full of greenery and trees. In vivid discussion children presented their views and came with some great ideas for turning...

Skyscrapers, Winsor

Skyscrapers, Winsor

Another week of learning about development and transformation of Docklands, of how the tall building are constructed and creating great structures, as a part of School Design Week. Year 5 children from Winsor Primary,London E6, showed great enthusiasm and teamwork...

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