Building Real Dome

3D real dome

Constructing 3-dimensional geodesic Dome and creating some other human scale forms  

The last workshop in the spring term  children were facing the challenging task of constructing a human scale Geodesic Dome.

Based on design of Richard Buckminster Fuller, an American architect, systems theorist, author, designer, inventor and futurist, who popularised this kind of structures through his designs.

With two types of structural elements and 3 different connector types kids followed instructions and with great teamwork spirit completed the challenge!

Once the structure was completed, children turned it into a cozy den. Using Noook TM* construction toy kids furnished it with custom designed furniture and created a giant conveyor belt (which was to deliver everybody inside) .

We all were very proud of the Dome!

*Noook is developed by my designer friend Torsten Sherwood and hopefully soon will be available in the UK shops.


Elizabeth House

St John’s Highbury Vale Primary